Jones Soda Co. Root Beer

This is root beer number 57, drank on 13 November, 2014.
Purchased at: Galcos
Made in: Seattle, WA
Bottled by: Jones Soda Co.
Cap style: twist off bottle cap
Volume: 12 fl. oz
Notable text on the bottle:
Sweetened with: inverted cane sugar
Natural or artificial flavor? natural
Ingredients: carbonated water, inverted cane sugar, caramel color, natural flavor, potassium benzoate (as preservative), gum arabic, phosphoric acid, calcium disodium EDTA (to protect flavor)
Calories: 180
Review: Great root beer with a strong cinnamon and nutmeg flavors. Very sweet. Good strong carbonation.
liquid color: Medium dark red
Head? Okay but dissipated quickly
My Bottle was Kosher. (If you need to, check to make sure yours is too).
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