Dad’s Old Fashioned Root Beer

This is root beer number 80, drank on 16 September, 2015.
Purchased at: Cybercandy
Made in: Jasper, IN
Bottled by: The Dad’s Root Beer Company, LLC
Cap style: twist off bottle cap
Volume: 12 fl. oz
Notable text on the bottle: America’s Premium Root Beer
Sweetened with: high fructose corn syrup
Natural or artificial flavor? both
Ingredients: water, high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, natural and artificial flavors, sodium benzoate (as a preservative)
Calories: 180
Review: A very strong licorice flavor, which imparts a smoky or slightly coffee flavor on this rootbeer. I feel I must have had Dad’s before, but I don’t remember it tasting like this. It’s not bad, but not my kind of root beer.
liquid color: very dark burnt umber
Head? minimal, but good carbonation
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