Fest Pecan Root Beer

This is root beer number 145, drank on 10 September, 2020.
Purchased at:
Made in: Madisonville, La
Bottled by: Vibe Cola, LLC
Cap style: twist off bottle cap
Volume: 12 fl. oz
Notable text on the bottle: Distinct pecan and praline notes add a degree of complexity to the naturally flavored root beer nicknamed for New Orleans’ jazz pioneer, Joe King Oliver. Louis Armstrong called Papa Joe his primary musical influence.
Sweetened with: Louisiana cane sugar
Natural or artificial flavor? natural
Ingredients: carbonated water, cane sugar, natural flavors, caramel color, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative)
Calories: 170
Review: Wow, this root beer was great! The pecan flavor was pretty strong, but was well matched with the root beer flavors. It’s kind of like a liquid candied pecan! Also the graphic design on the bottle is great.
liquid color: light caramel brown
Head? okay but didn’t last
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