Ithaca Soda Co. Root Beer

This is root beer number 108, drank on 23 December, 2015.
Purchased at: Taste NY
Made in: Ithaca, NY
Bottled by: Ithaca Soda Co., Inc.
Cap style: pry off bottle cap
Volume: 12 fl. oz
Notable text on the bottle: All natural soda of the Finger Lakes
Sweetened with: pure cane
Natural or artificial flavor? natural
Ingredients: filtered carbonated water, pure cane sugar, natural root beer flavor, natural panama bark extract, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate (preserves freshness), hops, star anise, juniper berries, vanilla bean.
Calories: Unknown
Review: Delicious, earthy root beer with great carbonation. The hops and the star anise come through and add depth and body to the aroma and taste of this great drink.
liquid color: medium-dark amber/red
Head? decent and long lasting with large bubbles
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